MCOTU Episode 9

Bridgett Tulloh-Love and Imagination

You are not responsible for anyone else’s happiness

Bridgett is a life coach and entrepreneur that is cutting through the noise of life caching with a unique angle, that is her current project called Love and Imagination. 

Bridgett was like many in the personal development space always seeking more until see found Neville Goddard and his . She resinated with Neville’s work and decided to focus her studies here. Initially she didn’t bring his teaching into her coaching but overtime she gradually realized that this needed to be her focus. Thus was the birth of her current Project Love and Imagination.

Let’s face it the world needs more love and that is the basis for Bridgett’s coaching, creating a safe space for people to heal if they need to, while involving their imagination for what they want their Corner of the Universe to look like. As children we have great imaginations but unfortunately as adults we lose this, hats off to Bridgett for making it a cornerstone in her coaching. 

You can connect with Briddgett at or listen to her podcast at


Episode 009

by My Corner of the Universe | Bridgett Tullow-Love and Imagination