MCOTU Episode 39

Angel and Oslyn Rodriguez – Backpack International



Backpack International Inc. is a U.S. based, 501(c) (3), nonprofit organization. Our mission is to share the love of Jesus with children in need around the world by ministering to their spiritual, academic, social, and physical needs. 

Established in 2015, Backpack International’s founder, Oslyn Rodriguez visited Guyana, South America after

14 years, to celebrate her grandfather’s 85th birthday. 

Her family held an outdoor gathering and invited children from the local village to share in the celebration. About 50 children arrived. As everyone sang songs and enjoyed food and drinks, Oslyn began to look around the village. She didn’t see a playground or park. There was no community center or positive outlets for these children. She jotted in her journal that she needed to do something to make a difference in the lives of children and youth in Guyana. 

Backpack International also provides various volunteer opportunities for students, families, and groups throughout the year. 

Another component of Backpack International is Educational/Adventure Travel. Through their partnerships with organizations in Guyana, South America, students and individuals are able to experience another part of the world.

Episode 039

by My Corner of the Universe | Angel and Oslyn Rodriguez - Backpack International